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All Services Of Nhan Kiet

Teamporary Labor Supplying Services - Temporary Workers

Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services is a part of Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services in genaral, In here, the the object of labor is hired to work only in short-term, in seasonal or a certain project. Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services is the leading solution for the high season or manpower shortages temporarily in a certain stage of the workflow to operate your company.

Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services  are used to satisfy short -term orders, short -term projects, the position needs to be replaced in a short period of time, or temporary replacement with a certain position of your company. this service, you will meet the Company rapidly with increasing workload that completed the order of short -term commitments.


Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services  is fast response specifically to handle short-term requirements and in rushing issue



Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services  as a a part of form of Staffing Services - Labor Subleasing Services , so it have same benefits asStaffing Services - Labor Subleasing Services.


Nhan Kiet Co., LTD, with over 6 years of providingTemporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services  and had granted the certification of labor subleasing Operation from Ministry of Labor Vietnam


We are honored to serve you through the provision of Temporary Worker – Temporary Labor Supplying Services 


Other Services Of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD

1.             Staffing services, Labor subleasing services;

Outsourcing services;

Supplying seasonal and temporary workers;

Labor legalizing services;

Load and unloading services;

Packaging services;

Sanitation and cleaning services;

Payroll services;

Employment services; head hunting services.

Freelance Legalizing Services.


Nhan Kietの人材サプライ、Nhan Kietの人材サブリース


Nhan Kietの労働供給、会社はホーチミン市、ビンズオン、ドンナイ、ブンタウと国の他の州で労働供給と労働リースの一つです。


何よりも顧客サービスのダイナミズム、熱意と精神を持つプロNhan Kiet労働供給と経験の収集のスタッフ、訓練を受け、訓練を受けたが、確かにもたらすでしょうお客様に最も満足感を提供します。


労働レンタルNhan Kietで行く、あなたは人員リソースの使用で募集する圧力、柔軟性が低下します、生産や事業活動における人事異動で心配ありません






1.                 未熟練労働のサブリーズサービス

2.                 季節労働力提供サービス

3.                 人材アウトソーシングサービス

4.                 全体加工委託サービス

5.                 労働者合法化サービス-管理委託

6.                 荷揚げ・下げサービス

7.                 商品梱包サービス

8.                 衛星サービス

9.                 給料決算委託サービス

10.             人材採用サービス